The Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

 The Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H was the last messenger of Allah. He was born on Mondy 12th R.A, 20th April 571 A.D. His father name was Abdullah and mother name was Amina. His parents died by the time he was six years of age. He was looked after by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib and uncle Abu Talib. Both of them did all they could to rear him well. Before his prophethood he was so honourable and trustworthy that people called him Sadiq and Al-Ami. People used to refer all the disputes to Muhammad (SAW) for final decision.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to retire and pray in a cave named Hira. One day the most wonderful incident happened to him. Through the angel Gebriel God revealed to him the true religion Islam. Thus he was made prophet at the age of forty. Im- mediately after this incident, he started preaching Islam. He taught people that they should worship the one and only God. Many people embraced Is- lam but many more turned against him and started teasing him. he was stoned and tortured but noth- ing could move him from his right path. He contin- ued his preaching unless he was ordered by God to leave Makkah. He left the city of Makkah and mi- grated to Madina. There also Islam spread far and wide and thousands of people embraced Islam at the hands of the noblest of men. He created harmony and mutual cooperation among the people of Madina.

Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) passed away at the age of 63 years. He is the last prophet. There would be no prophet after him. He is for all ages and all nations of the world.


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